Mac & Cheese
Shelter Location:
Northwest Animal CompanionsFoster Based
Portland, OR 97217
phone: (503) 285-0656
email: amiyouel@mac.com
Hi! We are called Mac & Cheese and you can probably guess why from our color. Looking at our picture you may think you are seeing double but we are a bonded pair of brothers. We have been waiting for someone to love us again for a long time. The first person we loved died of cancer, our second person lost their home and we had to be returned to the rescue group. We didn’t know why our people were leaving us so we have become anxious of new places and people.
When we found another home, a stray cat outside our patio window worried us so Cheese started spraying. We didn’t have an opportunity to adjust to our new environment and got returned to the rescue group. We don’t feel threatened at our foster home and are on good behavior. I trust new people (Cheese) a little faster than my brother Mac, but he is looking for love too. We both would like a warm lap, someone to play with us and a place to call ours forever. At our foster home, we live with other cats and get along with each of them. However, we would most likely do best in an adult home maybe with older children.