Pretty Princess
Shelter Location:
Oregon Coast Humane Society2840 Rhododendron Drive
Florence, OR 97439
phone: 541-997-4277
email: info@oregoncoasthumanesociety.org
Hello there! I’m Pretty Princess, and I was brought to Oregon Coast Humane Society in October of 2016. Understandingly, I was terrified of this new place. The staff were patient with me and now I am much more comfortable. I do still get scared when I see new people at my kennel door. I don’t know these people so I tend to jump up and yell at them to please leave me alone. I really wish I could have a loving family of my own that I could learn to feel comfortable with.
I love to play and I can sniff all day long! I would have fun doing nose work if someone was interested in showing me how. The shelter is looking for someone with previous German Shepherd experience, a fenced yard and no small children or animals.
All members of the household must meet with me and any dogs to see if we can get along. I know I deserve unconditional love, can you help me get it?